Monday, 9 November 2009

sipsFORM sustainable buildings

We have collaborated with Miles Montgomery to produce a series of small sustainable buildings for a variety of uses - see our link in the side bar to see more..

Marketing Suites, the built and the not built..

Back in the good old days when banks were property developers we did some marketing suites [and didnt do some also but did some great schemes...]

Marketing suite for Wordsearch Ltd..
concrete meeting table with monitor display - concrete sub contractor was Lowinfo Ltd who did a great job...the veneered bench was one of my favourite pieces - ended up in a skip along with everything else...the bottom 2 pics show the model display bench in veneer with opening sections to view interior, round the back to the kitchen and wc

2] The Shard

This one we didnt get to build which was a great shame - all built in OSB, materials to be re usable and everything broke down to be small enough to get up a lift..